Saturday, February 28, 2009


I have been reading about all this stuff that is happening in Mexico and it is starting to freak me out since I am going to Mexico for spring break. This drug war that has claimed the lives of 7,000 people since January of 2007 is starting to rage stronger than ever just in time for our Spring Break. I feel as though this is one of the times where being informed by powerlessness of information according to author Lee Siegel is a very good thing. I can’t even imagine getting to Mexico and not knowing anything of what could be happening around me. Yes, I do agree that with the rise in technology we have begun to overuse almost abuse it, but in this case I am almost angered by Siegel’s statements. It is just that how can information really hinder you at all in anyway? I just can’t understand why it is a bad thing to be informed EVER. I mean if you are stupid and read the news you at least know more than a person who doesn’t right? I am very glad I am informed about the current events in Mexico and I hope in this case Siegel would agree that information is better than nothing at all. 


  1. I would definitely say that I agree with you. The scare in Mexico has become a major problem. It is an issue that is going to affect a lot more people very soon. Since I too am about to go to Mexico it is very scary to think about what all is going on right now. When relating this to Siegel and his disinterest in the information the news brings us, I too don't understand the harm we are receiving by getting this news. I disagree a little on the being informed part at all times. Only because the information we are receiving is not always true, and that is a main point I believe Siegel is trying to make. You should be glad about the information you are receiving you also need to make sure it isn't false. But for the most part we need to be careful in Mexico and listen to what we hear on advice for our safety.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I understand how many people are being scared about Mexico and the dangers. I am from Mexico, so I know all about whats going on. I don't really think its as bad as people have been saying it is. I've vacationed in Cancun, Mazatlan, Acapulco, and Los Cabos various times and I have never had anything scary, or close to scary happen to me.There is really a lot of security especially during the night when the streets get crowded.

    Like any city in the world,it can be dangerous if you are in the wrong places. As long as tourists are careful, stay in tourist zones, and don't go to sketchy places, I personally believe visitors of Mexico will be completely fine. Cancun and the beach cities in Mexico are incredibly fun and I can guarantee that anyone who goes will have a blast.

  4. I like that you both are making connections with the readings in the course. I think Siegel would approve of people knowing about 7000 people being killed in a drug war, especially since this is not just random info, but facts that affect US -Mexico relations. Mexicans are angry that the US has not done enough to stop the flow of guns from the US into Mexico. We are the source of their guns, and they are the source of our marijuana, or a lot of it. But I also think Siegel would say that too much news about the killings could give people an unrealistic perspective, just as when no one wanted to fly after 9/11. People over-react when the news is so scary.
