Thursday, February 26, 2009

Forrest Gump

Last night I watched Forrest Gump for the first time in a very long time. I forgot how sad and happy the movie is at the same time. Watching this movie made me think about how short and special life is. Gump is pretty much oblivious to anything and every in his life except the people he loves. I know this is a far connection to make but this movie actually made me think of Siegel’s works. I have almost been completely on Johnson’s side until realizing how well society is able to function, especially Forrest Gump a man with a very low IQ. I know that might seem like an obvious observation, but I have never lived in a world that was not influenced by technology. It’s almost as if we are almost relying on certain technologies to make us happy when we should not be. It’s very difficult for most people to go a day without using their cell phone or computer, but imagine if the world we lived in was solely based on a simpler way of live like life before cellular telephones. As much as I would never want to admit it, but I find myself way to reliant on technology and wishing more for things to be simple. 


  1. Is this a possible topic for your argument paper? I will post a source on our list; the Dallas Morning News just had an editorial on the simple life.

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