Sunday, March 15, 2009


I just do not understand the point of passports. I know that obviously sounds like an unintelligent comment, but I just discovered on my way to Mexico that you are unable to leave the country if your passport is expired (mine expired 6 days before I chose to leave). Why can’t I leave the country with just proof of citizenship and my birth certificate; he law was just changed in January of 2009, which makes it no longer acceptable when flying by air. I know that Mexico is a rough place these days, but I think it is pretty obvious that I am just a Spring Breaker who does not want to permanently stay in Mexico. Also, why do they make it so hard to get a passport? I waited for seven hours in the passport agency just to get a small book with my picture that doesn’t really even look like me. I know that there are very good reasons for passports especially when travelling, but why does the government have to be so hard on their citizens? I also know this seems like a stupid complaint, why do we have to go through such a tedious process just because we want to experience something new? I do not think we should have to; as long as the government knows we are gone we should just be able to travel the world freely!


  1. You need the passport to get back into the USA, not to leave it. If passports are not scanned when people come across the border, anyone could just walk, drive, or fly into the US.

  2. Agreed. Also something to be aware of is you're in a way racial profiling people. If you think you are just a person going on spring break then what is the man behind you or the woman in front of you? Everyone has there own reasons for travel and the Government has no way of specifying who is legitimate and who is faking. If they were to do so, a lot more mistakes would be made. There is no way to make getting a passport easy, it's such a serious issue these days that it is very important to be so specific even though I agree the process is very annoying.
